Caring for Teeth With Braces

Traditional braces often make regular dental care a bit of a hassle as it’s hard to brush every area, floss between brackets, and keep food from getting stuck. Because this can be such a pain, many patients don’t keep their teeth as clean as they should, which poses a number of problems down the line.…

Invisalign and Its Benefits

It’s no wonder why Invisalign has become so popular in recent in years. Invisalign allows patients to enjoy the food and drinks they love without the concern of damaging traditional braces. Additionally, the pain that sometimes comes with regular braces is nearly eliminated, as there’s no metal to rub the inside of your mouth or…

What is AcceleDent?

Realigning teeth can take a long time. Traditional metal braces are typically worn for more than 18 months, depending on how crooked the teeth are, and alternatives like Invisalign can take just as long. Here at Kraus Orthodontics, we are proud to offer a product that works alongside these traditional techniques to shorten the amount…

Anterior Open Bite

An anterior open bite is a complex condition in which the upper and lower incisor teeth do not fully touch when the jaw is closed. It can range from an almost indistinguishable gap to a noticeable and unsightly space in the front of the mouth caused by protrusion of the front teeth. In severe cases,…