Laying Orthodontic Myths to Rest

If you’ve ever had braces, you probably know that many misconceptions surrounding these appliances exist and aren’t necessarily true.  If you haven’t had braces, you can rest assured that many of the negative comments you’ve heard about braces are just hearsay and not what the majority of patients experience.  These myths need to be laid to rest, as they often give potential or soon-to-be orthodontic patients the wrong idea about braces.

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following orthodontic myths and let Kraus Orthodontics bust them for you!  Braces are very effective and the associated discomfort is not as much as sometimes advertised by your friends… Let’s jump right in.

7 Orthodontic Myths

Despite what you’ve heard about braces, we’ll lay down all the straight facts about braces so you don’t fall for these orthodontic myths. Braces are very effective in correcting poor bites and crooked teeth. Take a look below for a list of the most common orthodontic myths (note: they’re all false!):

  • No pain, no gain: Many patients believe braces need to hurt in order for them truly do their job, but this is a myth. While braces do cause some discomfort initially, most patients feel normal after just a few days following an appointment and the movements continue to occur.
  • The tighter, the better: Similar to above, some think the tighter their braces are, the faster their treatment will be—not so. Braces need to gently shift teeth into position, and a tighter force is usually not the answer.
  • Braces are for teens: While teens are the most common orthodontic patients, nearly 20% of all patients with braces are actually adults. Simply put, braces are for anyone who desires straighter smile and a beautiful smile.
  • You need to be careful around magnets: Surprisingly, some believe a large magnet has the power to pull their braces, and themselves, right to it.  False!
  • You can’t play sports with braces: This one’s a bit more obvious. You can certainly continue to play sports with braces, but you’ll want to use a protective mouthguard to prevent damage to your mouth and appliances.
  • Braces take at least two years to achieve results: Though some patients can have their braces for two years or more, many can actually finish treatment in a year to a year and a half. Treatment length depends on the condition of your teeth and bite prior to beginning braces, as well as how you care for them throughout the process.
  • Once your braces are removed, you’re set for life: To keep teeth straight after treatment, you’ll need to wear a retainer. For the most part, you’ll only need to wear the retainer at night.

Contrasting Orthodontics Myths: Straight Facts

As you can see, a long list of orthodontic myths exists and the list is full of misconceptions. The truth is, orthodontic treatment is different for every patient. If your teeth are severely crooked, the initial discomfort of braces may be worse; however, as your teeth work into position, the discomfort subsides

Here’re a few more facts about braces:

  • Braces are actually the treatment of choice for plenty of patients.
  • Treatment involves two factors: force and time.
  • Some discomfort is likely with braces, though it’s easily managed and can even be prevented.
  • Retainers are necessary after having braces removed to ensure your teeth stay in the right position.  

Orthodontic Myths Debunked: Braces Aren’t So Bad

Just when you thought braces weren’t for you, you may think otherwise after busting these orthodontic myths. Braces can cause some discomfort, treatment time may be a bit long for some, but braces are very effective and necessary in achieving a perfect smile. If you’re convinced, give braces a try and get the smile of your dreams with Kraus Orthodontics in Allen, Texas.

If you’re interested in giving braces a try, give us a call today at 469.619.9959 to schedule an appointment. Of course, you can also contact us here.